ICTOP – International Committee for the Training of Personnel


22 August 2022, 16:00–17:30, Prague Congress Centre


Organizing committees: ICTOP, DRMC, ICMS, INTERCOM, ICOM-CC

Training the Trainers: Facilitation Skills Workshops for leaders in Conservation Risk Assessment – PART 1

Five ICOM International Committees including ICOM-CC, DRMC, ICTOP, ICMS & INTERCOM collaborated on an ICOM Solidarity Project, responding to the challenges museums face. Participants learnt that a facilitator brings together the focus of a diverse group of individuals with complex needs towards a common shared objective or goal. The aim of this project was to harness existing experience, knowledge and practice in the advocacy, teaching and implementation of Conservation Risk Assessment (CRA) to museum communities as a tool and practice for sustainable recovery and resilience. CRA is an analytical and methodological tool used for identification, evaluation and mitigation of risks posed by the 10 agents of deterioration. These two linked sessions will highlight successful outcomes of this training through presentations and discussions. New security technology is not just useful for preventing and detecting crime but adds real benefits for the whole museum.


23 August 2022, 14:30–16:00, Prague Congress Centre



Expert Session: Resilience of Historic House Museums and their Collections to Risks posed by Climate Change, Environmental Disasters, and Conflict Zones

The expert session will address risks to historic buildings and their collections by focussing on preventive conservation issues and the steps needed before, during and after disaster response. What resources should be allocated to mitigate risks to the built structure? How can museums develop risk management plans with community involvement? How should a museum prioritize collection items to be saved in case of emergency and how should they allocate resources for this purpose?


23 August 2022, 16:30–18:00, Prague Congress Centre


Organizing committee: ICTOP

The Power of Training

As for the Prague 2022 event, matching the main idea of the ICOM Prague 2022 triannual branded as “The Power of Museums” which we do support we do ask our members, as well as anyone from other ICOM IC’s (and further on) to share with us theoretical and practical examples which could fit within main ICTOP Prague theme = THE POWER OF TRAINING. Any format is possible/welcome, no matter we in advance expect proposals set on 10–15-minute presentations and in addition the poster session (if there will be enough interest for it).


23 August 2022, 16:30–18:00, Prague Congress Centre


Organizing committees: ICTOP, DRMC, INTERCOM, ICOM-CC, ICMS

Training the Trainers: Facilitation Skills Workshops for leaders in Conservation Risk Assessment – PART 2

Five ICOM International Committees including ICOM-CC, DRMC, ICTOP, ICMS & INTERCOM collaborated on an ICOM Solidarity Project, responding to the challenges museums face. Participants learnt that a facilitator brings together the focus of a diverse group of individuals with complex needs towards a common shared objective or goal. The aim of this project was to harness existing experience, knowledge and practice in the advocacy, teaching and implementation of Conservation Risk Assessment (CRA) to museum communities as a tool and practice for sustainable recovery and resilience. CRA is an analytical and methodological tool used for identification, evaluation and mitigation of risks posed by the 10 agents of deterioration. These two linked sessions will highlight successful outcomes of this training through presentations and discussions.





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