ICEthics – International Committee on Ethical Dilemmas


23 August 2022, 16:30–18:00, Prague Congress Centre


Organizing committees: IC ETHICS, ICEE, COMCOL, ICOM US

Just and Committed, Collecting, Curating, and Exchanging for Tomorrow

In a time of social and political division, growing concerns about the climate, environmental degradation and demographic change, many museums and exhibition organizers increasingly see themselves challenged to play a role in complex questions of racism, inequality, health and wellbeing, placemaking and active citizenship. During our joint session, we will together with our members reflect and discuss the ethical challenges involved in museum collections, curatorial processes, and exhibition exchange when thinking of a different tomorrow.


23 August 2022, 16:30–18:00, Prague Congress Centre


Organizing committees: IC ETHICS, ICMEMO, International Coalition of Sites of Conscience

Ethics & Self-Empowerment

In general, museums are dependent on the set of rules within which they exist, rules that relate to the political, social, and cultural consensus that frame their raison d’etre. What space do they actually have to explore and expand within these parameters– and to which degree could they go beyond given systems if ethical self-questioning demands new approaches? Should museums generate content esteemed of importance to them and their communities beyond their established purpose or lurking political pressures?





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