CIMCIM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Instruments and Music

22 August 2022, 16:00–17:30, Prague Congress Centre


Organizing committees: CIMCIM, CIDOC

Joint CIDOC-CIMCIM Session: Resilient musical collection documentation and social responsibilities: CIMCIM Session 1

CIMCIM and CIDOC continue collaboration to further discuss documenting musical collections, particularly from an Inclusive Documentation perspective. The session focuses on the role of social context in defining documentation frameworks. How can documentation practices be inclusive of the rich cultural diversity represented in musical collections? In part, this joint session includes presentation of an online portal of musical instruments, and cases of Latin American music collections.

23 August 2022, 14:30–16:00, Prague Congress Centre


Organizing committees: CIMCIM

Music Museums: Social and Environmental Responsibilities and Identities in the 21st Century – CIMCIM Session 2: Current issues: Unravelling provenance, slavery, and colonialism

Music museums have great influential power and can enact social development and positive change. They can bear moral and ethical values and may take an essential role in explaining, clarifying, and building safe, stable, civil, democratic, and equitous societies and ecosystems. The sessions will focus on the positive and challenging circumstances, issues, events, and initiatives that relate to 21st-century social and environmental responsibilities and identities relating to music museums.

23 August 2022, 16:30–18:00, Prague Congress Centre


Organizing committee: CIMCIM

Music Museums: Social and Environmental Responsibilities and Identities in the 21st Century – Session 3: Safeguarding musical heritage: Identity, networks, and historical sounds

Music museums have great influential power and can enact social development and positive change. They can bear moral and ethical values and may take an essential role in explaining, clarifying, and building safe, stable, civil, democratic, and equitous societies and ecosystems. The sessions will focus on the positive and challenging circumstances, issues, events, and initiatives that relate to 21st-century social and environmental responsibilities and identities relating to music museums.


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